Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Live from New York...

It's not Saturday night, but let's all pray that I never find myself blogging on my family blog on a Saturday night in the City. Anyway, I had to laugh at the sight of this blog today and here's why:
While at work about two weeks ago, I let my co-worker in on the secret world of everyday blogs. There is not a soul at Kidville who originates from west of the Mississippi or south of the Mason-Dixon line and where they're from, nobody blogs like the Mormon's. My friend was aghast at the sight of all these "blogging blondes" who all seem to also be photographers (this blog put her over the edge) She's never seen anything like it. She has been dating through since new years and she connected with one guy who's heavily involved in the theater and production business. After googling his name, she found him on a blog. She called me immediately to tell that she had found another Mormon blog. I tried to explain that other people blog besides Mormon's, but she insisted that although it didn't ever actually say "Mormon", it had to be someone I knew. The next day at work, I did some investigative work for her and scrounged this blog in question for any hints or signs of mormonism. Sure enough, the kid was from Provo, knows Jon Heder and we shared some "mutual" friends. By the time I got to the third page of posts, I could confirm that he was in fact, a Mormon. So here we all are, making posts on this communal blonde family blog and I can't help but laugh out loud. I'll be letting my friend in on this one tomorrow and she will positively fall out of her chair.


(GG stands for Gossip Girl. It's a new cult hit on the CW network and is "The OC" of the Upper East Side of Manhattan. Gossip Girl is the anonymous narrator of the show and is the instigator of the gossip of the private school in which the show takes place. She sends all the gossip through a network of text messaging throughout the students. "XOXO, GG" is her signature sign off and I'm taking it on as my own. I knew you would ask and this is the explanation.)

1 comment:

i'm jefra... said...

Karli - I agree - I don't know what it is about blogging mormon pseudo-professional photographer moms-with-cameras, but it's been a huge phenom for the last couple years. My theory is that it has something to do with the whole scrapbooking phenom. I warn though, if anyone groups me in with these blogging MWACs I will come absolutely unhinged.

ooh - hate to break it to you, but to anyone who has third generation Eversons, "GG" stands for "Great Grandma" Everson. (check the contributor list on the left).