Saturday, April 25, 2009

Trey snags another cool trophy

Although Trey will object, Grandma said I had to post on the blog about his recent honor. He was one of about 8 chosen from Southern Calif to be the Department of Rehabilitation "Client of the Year."

His trophy reads, "Trey Glauser, Who exemplifies the Principles of Self-Reliance, Determination, and Perseverance in Achieving Rehabilitation." He is pictured with his counselor Barbara, who saw to it that he received a van, could serve his mission without closing his case, and paid for all his college tuition. The Glauser family thanks all you devoted American tax payers!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Just thought this was weird

So after I made he post about Heidi moving out of the dorms, I decided to look at the photos of the day she moved into the dorms.  Do you think she held onto the same J Crew bag for an entire year?  And, how did it end up in the exact same place for the move out as it did for the move in???

So You Should All Feel Really Old!!

Because today the youngest grandchild moved out of the dorms!!!  Yes, we were in kind of in a hurry and had moved most of her stuff the day before so a neat packing job was not a priority. Clay was along to help.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

oh my goodness!!

Bree's finally on FACEBOOK!!!!


How is it that this took so long to happen?

Only two people read this blog...three, I guess, including me.

Here's what else I did the other night.  I couldn't help but think of all those tutorials atop grandma's white tiled countertop.  And I still quite like the color on me.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Dear Boring Family,

At the present moment it's 2:34 am in New York and I am successfully avoiding the writing of my final paper entitled, "The Movement of Art Deco as Illustrated Through Film & Fashion".  I check this blog at least three times a day in the hopes of seeing something else besides a reminder of Lindsay's progressing age.  Even I can do the math...that's a lot of visits to this blog since Lindsay's big day.  In the meantime, I have watched Susan Boyle sing, "I Dreamed a Dream" on Youtube about 27 times.  I'll only be unemployed for three more weeks, but I'll probably still watch Susan when I'm feeling bad about myself.  Anywho, here's what else has been going on in Manhattan...

The circus came to town and as they enter Manhattan over the Queesnboro Bridge, it's tradition for the elephants to parade through Herald Square at midnight on their way to Madison Square Garden.  It is the cutest thing EVER!!  Here is a not-so-great video from my camera: 

My parents came into town for their anniversary and I totally crashed their party and stayed with them in the hotel every night (they're old anyway, right??  don't answer that).  If there were airline discount olympics, my Dad would be the undisputed gold medal champion for his work with The Roosevelt Hotel for this trip.  Five days, four nights in the anniversary suite (and yes, that does come with custom rosettes made out of peach colored tissues tucked into various surprise locations throughout the room and bathroom....verrry sexy) for three people and he only paid for ONE discounted night!  Daily rotations in and out of JFK while Sydney and Karli spend all your hard earned (read:saved) cash, included.  Here's what I made them...doesn't magnet to a fridge but still worthy.

Yup, you're right!!  That is 48 roses in there!!

There was a pillow fight downtown on Wall Street, also an annual thing, but there was a little bit more rage this year.  This isn't snow.

There was also a California wildfire in the parking lot across the street, but I'll save that story for the family reunion because it has voices to go along with it.

Ok, now back to my expensive education.

Lots of Love,