Thursday, February 21, 2008

Did ay of you see Sunday Morning a few weeks ago?  There was a story about Charley Harper and Todd Oldham.  Oldham has been fascinated by Harper's art because of his reading of this book as a kid.  I remember reading this as well.  I am sure we had this book.  Anyway, I thought it would be easy to use some of this very graphic art for a quilt idea I have had in my head for awhile so I got on ebay to see about getting the book.  Needless to say I will not be buying it on ebay as the price ranges from over $200.00 - $700.00.  So all of you garage sale hunters should be keeping an eye out for this one.  I am on my way to DI this afternoon!!  Happy hunting!


i'm jefra... said...

Wow. We're Eversons Syd - meaning - I pretty much can guarantee you that If my mom finds that book she's reselling it for $$$.

Sydney said...

Yes, this is why you need to be looking for the book because I figure you can finance an entire year of garage sale spending with just this one find!! I really do hope that none of you out there are spending more than $200 - $300 a year on garage sales! If so please, make a post, confess, and we can help you.