Tuesday, June 2, 2009

You can't fire me...I quit!

So I got laid off from my job a couple weeks ago...funny....I though I was too young to get laid off! Anyway, this is my way of saying look out for me and let me know if any of you have any job ideas! Cause that's what familys for dang it! (how's that for gushing jefra..) Thanks, love you all!


i'm jefra... said...

who got laid off? who's "B"? so mysterious! I thought it might be grandma. Or Burk, or Brooke, Breanne? Beau? Bryn. maybe Bret....you get the idea....

sorry about the layoffs

Berit said...

Or Berit! haha sorry about the confusion...

Ann Smith said...

thanks for sharing your news with us! Jay Z Albums