Sunday, December 28, 2008

Vegas Christmas

Here the kids are before the could open gifts. Santa brought JJ a new bike. I think his training wheels might just come off before Abby's.

Ok... so we must have had fun and been busy because I didn't take many pictures. JJ did throw up during dinner. That story is on our family blog. Merry Christmas!

Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas Eve - We walked down Rhett and Adrianne's street to see the beautiful luminaria. Here's Campbell taking a ride on Uncle Trey's wheelchair.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

The "Junk House"

   This is for Kate.  I hope she likes this Junk House.

The Haglund family decided that we would try to spend more time together, and spend less effort on gift giving this Christmas season.  So, we came up with a "Twelve Days of Christmas" activity.  The "Junk House" was day three.  You can read more about the other days and see some exciting photos, on the Haglund websight in a few days. But the short story is....Marshall and Melissa have been really good sports to spend so much time with us!!!!  Christmas is just SO much more fun with a 3 year old.  Twelve Day's...... is a lot of days!!

Thursday, December 4, 2008